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Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Happy New Years from Spain!

I'm so happy to be in Spain for New Years because that means I'm able to celebrate it with my boyfriend, Chris who lives here in Segovia. I did a little research and based on what I've been told, this is a summary of how the Spanish bring in the New Year:"Like most festivals in Spain, New Year's Eve, known as "Nochevieja" is usually a family affair which takes place at home. Until midnight people...
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Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

If you like Amy Butler you will LOVE these prints!

I was just introduced to Artaissance, and I adore this line - 40 colorful, beautiful prints from Amy Butler. Check them out:See more and get the goodies here.They also have a great deal where you can get a sample of the art - about 5.5"x8.5", for $5.00 - and if you choose to buy then that $5.00 goes to the full-size version!Do you like these as much as her fabri...
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Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

STUNNING Antique Spanish doors

Segovia and the older cities of Spain are full of gorgeous, ornate wooden doors which I would love to be able to pack up and bring back home with me, but with the price of checking bags these days it's just not an option. However, one can acquire such goodies in the states from wonderful companies such as Portera Doors, who lovingly restore antique Spanish doors in California. ...Oh if I was a rich...
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Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

I'm off to blog from Spain for a month - so I'm kicking it off with some Spanish houses!

I'm literally about to walk out the door to the airport to fly out of Newark tonight and land in Madrid in the morning. I'll be in Spain with my wonderful boyfriend, who's teaching English there this year - Segovia to be exact - for about a month. However, the first week in January we will be in Morocco visiting Marrakesh and Fes - which I'm super excited about. Don't worry I will be updating you...
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An up-and-coming interior designer you must check out

House Beautiful had an exciting article in the Dec/Jan 2010 issue called "The Next 20 the Next Wave," which showcased 20 designers their editors picked for keeping an eye on. Danielle Fennoy was one of them and I think you guys will really appreciate her beautiful, practical, fuss-free design sense - and her philosophy that design is not only for the privileged, but "good design should be accessible...
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Color Inspiration - Nature Inspired Palettes

I hope everyone is loving their holiday! I'm going to be random today and share some not so holiday photos, just because they're relaxing and we could all use a little bit less pressure this time of year!So, my weakness when it comes to design is color. I'm a bit afraid of it and always lean towards white or soft neutrals. I know, however, that I have to take baby steps to walk the path to using...
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