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Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Hello from Salzburg, Austria - more pictures from the beginning of my trip!

I am having an amazing time traveling around Europe. We have been to Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. So far Germany has been my favorite because the houses are simply charming and the gardens are so beautiful. I will post pictures in due time, but first here are more of the beautiful Galicia, in Spain, where we spent our first week.More from the amazing Cies Islands - famous...
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Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Pictures from my European backpacking trip!

I know these are a long time coming, but getting photos in order while traveling has been tough. I am in Munich right now and finally have a moment. All of these photos are from Spain, in the beautiful region of Galicia. Absolutely gorgeous!The Cies Islands - unbelievable! I will post a lot more picture of this area later.This is an island near Baiona - a beautiful coastal town.More to come soon...
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Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

sponsored post -Carpet so gorgeous you might not miss hardwood

Hardwood gets a lot of attention - and while I will not deny that I love a rustic wideplank floor, there are some rooms where carpet is a bit more appropriate and welcoming.However, I think it is important that the carpet is something you love the look of, and when I was introduced to Fun on the Floor I actually raised an eyebrow. My first reaction was to the wonderful colors. Take a look at some...
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