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Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

A charming country home with style north of Copenhagen

One place we didn't visit on my travels, but is still very much on my travel wish list, is Copenhagen. I'm sure the architecture and shops would be right up my alley. Has anyone been to Copenhagen? What did you think?The natural light in this home is great - also the architectural details like the radiator cover and top window pane.I'm a sucker for detail shots :)The look of all those books in...
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A great new designer discount site from Daily Candy! I have your free membership code!

We all love Daily Candy for their great beauty, fashion, and lifestyle tips. Now they've come out with "Swirl," which is a site featuring sample sales from various designers. It's still in Beta but I thought I'd spread the word so you have one more way to snag your fave designer goodies for less. I've set up this referral link so you guys can sign up quickly and start being notified of future sales...
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Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

I'm back from Europe - with a book giveaway!!

Hi everyone! I'm so excited to be able to post on a regular basis again! The trip was absolutely amazing and I promise to share pictures of my boyfriend and my 9 week journey - but first I have to do some photo organizing. I thought I'd welcome everyone back with a book giveaway, Mark Montano's "Big-Ass Book of Home Decor." You can see samples of the book in my review post from May. To enter...
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Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Hello from Berlin! More pictures from my Europe trip

The pictures below are from the beautiful Picos de Europa, in Spain. My favorite part was probably getting to take in the beautiful views alongside the cows that graze the mountain tops.The traffic jams were caused by livestockOne of the most amazing parts of being on this mountain top valley was the chorus of cowbells you could hear all around you. The sheperd´s huts were really amazing as well!Me...
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