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Jumat, 29 April 2011

My Summer in Europe: Pictures from lovely Florence, Italy

Florence is a must-see if you're going to Italy. It's just so beautiful. I went there for a day in the winter after I graduated college, and wished I had had more time. This summer we stayed for two days so I got to see more of this charming city. While the weather was much nicer in the summer, in the winter it was a treat because there were very few tourists about. If you can somehow manage to...
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Kamis, 28 April 2011

Spring bliss

The weather has been so wishy-washy. Teasing us with a 70 degree day, and then bringing us back down by dropping to 50 overnight! But, the leaves are finally on the trees, and the days are longer - so it's safe to say Spring is here.I love the longer beautifulvia KML DesignDomino Mag...and fresh flowers. The first image is flowers in tea tins. I do this, but my tea tins aren't water tight...
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2 lovely but different homes: a photographer's loft, and a couple's ode to their travels

First, a photographers bright and breezy loft, filled with things she's collected and uses for photo props...awww.... and I love the old radio (I think that's what that is) as a side tableThe large chalkboard actually hides some unsightly electrical panelsThis table is like a little personal collection of curiositiesI'm still into the clear console tables - does anyone have one? How's it holding up?Next,...
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Rabu, 27 April 2011

Exciting! A promo code just for Decorology readers - $125 off Sobu's "Junk in the Trunk" storage bed!!

The AWESOME folks at SOBU are offering you guys a really great deal on their Junk in the Trunk storage bed. Here is the SOBU code for Decorology visitors only: DecoFreeenter this SOBU code for FREE SHIPPING (Save $125) on the Junk in the Trunk Bed with Storage:modern and practical twin bed with large storage drawer. Perfect for small spaces, kids rooms or guest bedrooms.Read about/purchase it here"Shoes,...
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Do Not Miss: The phenomenal interior photography of Richard Powers

Okay, these images really speak for themselves. I am super busy today, so of course, I started it off by cyber-slacking looking at design blogs. I stumbled upon Richard Powers's portfolio and just had to share it with you asap. So, if you're slacking too, you won't regret it after seeing these pics...*hint: click on each image for a larger view - it makes a big difference and you won't regret it!GorgeousThe...
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