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Kamis, 30 Juni 2011

Lovely apartments from my future city

As some of you might already know, in August I am moving to DC because my boyfriend will be attending GWU in the fall to get his masters. While I grew up in MD, I only ever went to DC for school field trips, so I don't really know much about the different neighborhoods. So yesterday before attending Manvi from Mochatini's fabulous tabletop decorating how-to party, which I'll be sharing pics from...
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Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

I'm off to DC to attend Mochatini's awesome tabletop decor design camp!

So what else but tabletop inspiration for today's post?1., 2. Elle Decor 3. Pinterest 4., 5., 6. Rue Magaz...
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My most recent obsession: beautiful bedrooms!

 you had me at coffee in bed... gorgeous color scheme I love the above bedroom - it's beautiful and considered, but still so liveable.  Whatever this style is called- I'd say it's mine. simple and classic beauty beach cottage beauty amazing wall treatmentThis bedroom started with the headboard and grew around it.Which is your fav? 1. Pinterest 2. Pinterest3. Pinterest4....
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Senin, 27 Juni 2011

Wonderful eclectic

Eclectic is one of my all-time favorite decorating styles. There's nothing quite as special as a home filled with one's treasure's from traveling, or just unique finds brought over from another land...Love this softly colored kitchen.  It was originally a sitting room, but the owners loved it so much they transformed it into a kitchen.I generally try not to get swept up in trends but I really...
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Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

A happy Friday to you and gorgeous book giveaway

The weekend never comes soon enough - except when I have a Friday deadline. So I figured there is no better time to do a book giveaway. This is a unique one - "Classic Swedish Interiors," by Lars Sjoberg. The poetic photos are by Ingalill Snitt.I'm going to quote Amazon as they describe the book better than me -"Lars Sjöberg has made it his life's work to understand and preserve the Swedish manor...
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In the DC area next Wednesday? Then you must come to this chic, fun event (and say hi to me and Manvi from Mochatini!)

Manvi of the FABULOUS Mochatini blog is putting on a great event. Manvi's passion for tablescape decor has inspired her to share all her know-how by way of an awesome party and tabletop styling evening.The tablescape design camp and champagne party will be held at the Mitchell Gold Bob Willams showroom in DC on June 29 (6 - 8: 30pm). Registration is $30.I would love to see some of you there - so...
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Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

For the love of old houses...

I LOVE old houses - so much charm, history, character, and individuality.  A lot of maintenance too - but the pay off is worth it.  I grew up in an almost 200 year-old colonial on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland.  Hardwood floors with as many ups and downs as an old country lane, old glass windows that gave you "wavy" vision when you looked out of them...I have a special place in my...
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