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Selasa, 08 November 2011

How To: A Kitchen Pegboard Wall Organizer

As I promised a couple of weeks ago, here is a fairly-easy DIY (and very inexpensive) that can save you at least one cabinet's worth of space. For tiny kitchens, like mine - our pan and utensil organizer is a lifesaver. It can also look good and blend into your existing kitchen aesthetic with a couple of coats of paint.The pegboard - finished!(I apologize for the weird look of the photos - our camera...
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Senin, 07 November 2011

A sweet, vintage tresure-filled Toronto home

A Monday pep-up for you! I love the modest, personality-filled character of this home.Great light in this room!Plants add so much life to a space.  We currently have 4 in our small living room.I can't decide if this dining room would benefit from a flat-weave area rug.via Covet Gar...
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Jumat, 04 November 2011

Modern Seating Furniture

Khalis, taken from Arabic, is the magic word for communication relaxed and comfortable in any situation. It is also the name of a seating system designed by layered to COR Jehs + Laub. An undeniable source of oriental inspiration. This system consists cushions pole somewhere. Special coatings provide support and comfort first. There is also a special seat for the system with hands-on ornaments range...
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Furniture wishlist

So I don't have space for most of these beauties, but maybe one day I'll be able to add a few to my collection..A color statement dresser.  I kid you not my dresser as a kid was extremely similar.  Like most of the furniture in my bedroom I assumed my grandfather had made it.  Being that the dresser was shared among four small children though, the dresser was pretty banged up and covered...
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Kamis, 03 November 2011

The winner of the Royal Design Studion Stencil is....

#6 - commenter "Mreffey"  Mreffey, please conact me at ashley [at] decorologyblog [dot] com and we will hook you up with your stenc...
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Rabu, 02 November 2011

A master bedroom turned into an amazing closet/dressing room

God bless this woman. She convinced her husband to turn their master bedroom into a walk in closet, and the downstairs guest room became their master bedroom.I'm jealous.The desk is from ikea - the lamp a thrift findShe stores her jewelry in chef's pinch dishesThe only thing I would have is maybe a vanity in place of the deskRead all about this mother of all walk-ins at House of Fif...
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Selasa, 01 November 2011

SLEEPY : Organic Bed Designed by Italian architect Angelo Tomaiuolo and made Tonin CASA

Been a while since we published a comfortable bed unit at Freshome. Dream, designed by Italian architect Angelo Tomaiuolo and made Tonin CASA, is aesthetically pleasing bed, ideal for contemporary homes. According to the manufacturer, a broad base coated with fabric or imitation leather in various completed. Head wraps the statue is very original and unique contribution. The production process is...
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