Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Kindred Spirits Christmas Countdown on "Live Creating Yourself" - featuring Yours Truly!

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I want to thank Alaina of Live Creating Yourself for being so kind as to think of me to fill out her Christmas Questionnaire.

The lovely collage she made of images for Decorology

These were the questions:
1. My home isn't decorated for the holidays until...

2. My holiday spirit soars when I hear the song...

3. If I had to be anywhere but home on the holidays, it would be...

4. (if applicable) My favorite Decorology holiday blog post was...

5. My favorite non-Decorology holiday blog post was...

6. The number one gift on my wish list this year is...

I'll share a few of my answers here but you have to go to her blog to see them all. I promise it will be worth the time as she's featured a lot of AMAZING talents in the Kindred Spirits Christmas Countdown. I promise you won't leave uninspired!

1. My home isn't decorated for the holidays until... there are string lights strewn about and candles in the window. I love the soft glow - it's instantly comforting.

3. If I had to be anywhere but home on the holidays, it would be... in Segovia with my boyfriend where he's teaching English this year!

4. My favorite Decorology holiday blog post was... this post - "Happy Holiday pics" - from last year.
Read the rest of my answers here!

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